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It started as a Blog - A smile from within

Updated: Oct 3, 2020

By Jacquline Munro

What do you call beauty

Inner beauty cannot be touched by the outer skin

That may or may not wear a mask of makeup to blend

Suspend the skin

Which the outer body believes need to be changed

When I take a picture,

l see the inner beauty

The smile that can be seen through the eyes

Which do not lie

My vision through the lens

You see it is the inner beauty inside

Which you need to believe

When you have belief

The belief starts shining


That is the vital ingredients

Belief will start shining on your skin

A happiness will sparkle through your eyes

Your aura

Will start to glow,

The glow of your inner beauty.

Time to release.

I can hear you saying but how?

Silent yourself

Rekindle your cells

Your body is made of biomolecules

Matter the physical elements

Matters not of the many voices and noises around

Which is minute to the mass of silence

That rejuvenates the inner beauty

What do you call beauty

We are all beautiful

We just need find it

It’s inside all of us

Silence is the vital ingredients

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